WCF news

We are organizing the first virtual Winter Cycling Congress 2021

Due to the COVID-19 developments and after lengthy and thoughtful considerations, the WCC 2021 organization in Hasselt decided to postpone the Winter Cycling Congress 2021, scheduled to take place February 10-13, 2021. The new dates for the Winter Cycling Congress 2022 will be announced as soon as possible. The venue of this conference will remain the University of Hasselt, Belgium.

The good news is, that the Winter Cycling Federation has decided to organize the first virtual Winter Cycling Congress 2021 in February 2021.

We extend our best wishes to all of you in this complex and challenging time. We regret not having the opportunity to see each of you in person this year, but look forward to virtually gather in 2021 and in person in 2022. In the meantime we all continue with our important work together.

Updates on the virtual event in February 2021.
2020-07-31 07:00